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A novel strategy for partial functional recovery of complete...

A novel strategy for partial functional recovery of completely transected lower thoracic spinal cord of adult rats

作     者:Ting-Bao ZHAO~(1,2,#),Shi-De LIN~(2,#),Xiao-Jun ZHANG~(1,2,#),Shu-Guang YANG~(1,#),Fan-Wen KONG~(1,#),Zheng YONG~3, Fang-Jin CHEN~1,Zhao-Qing LIU~1,Hai-Ping QUE~1,Guo-Hua WANG~1,Jian-Quan ZHENG~3,Dong-Hua TIAN~(1,4),San-Jun HU~5,Shu-Qian JING~(1,4),Shao-Jun LIU~(1,2,4,*) 1 Department of Neurobiology and State Key Laboratory of Proteomics,Institute of Basic Medical Sciences,27 Taiping Road,Beijing 100850,China 2 Department of Spinal Cord Repair,Jinan General Hospital,25 Shifan Road,Jinan 250031,China 3 Beijing Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology,27 Taiping Road,Beijing 100850,China 4 School of Social Development and Public Policy,Beijing Normal University,19 Xinjiekou Wai St.Beijing 100875, China 5 Institute of Neuroscience,The Fourth Military Medical University,Xian 710032,China 



学科分类:1002[医学-临床医学] 100210[医学-外科学(含:普外、骨外、泌尿外、胸心外、神外、整形、烧伤、野战外)] 10[医学] 

关 键 词:spinal cord injury novel strategy functional recovery neurotrophin/growth factor cocktail 

摘      要:正Completely transected rat lower thoracic spinal cord was bridged either immediately or lingeringly by microsurgically linking T7 intercostal nerves to L3 dorsal root stumps to establish a bridged *** surgical sites were treated locally with a neurotrophin/growth factor *** the surgery,partial hind limb locomotion and visceral function were gradually *** nerve fibers were then traced to pass through linking sites,grow into L3 dorsal root stumps,enter the spinal cord and eventually contact with neurons in the gray matter of the spinal cord between L2 and *** bridged nerves could trigger evoked potentials in sciatic nerve, bladder,and colon,and induce hind limb *** the bridged nerves transected,the evoked potentials and hind limb locomotion disappeared,urinary retention and feces incontinence occurred *** observations demonstrate that physical and functional linkages between the segments of injured spinal cords have been established by bridging *** is first evidence that the peripheral nerves grow into the central nerve *** importantly,this innovative strategy is potentially applicable for clinic.

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