Measurement of the In and 2n Transfers in the reaction of 6He+9Be at 25MeV/u
作者单位:RIKEN 2-1 Hirosawa WakoSaitama 351-0198 Japan
学科分类:08[工学] 0827[工学-核科学与技术] 082701[工学-核能科学与工程]
摘 要:The internal structure of the lightest halo nucleus He is one of the most interesting subjects in recent RNB Physics study [1]. We report here the experimental results of the In and 2n transfers in the reaction of He +Be at 25MeV/u. The experiment was performed at RIKEN in Japan with the RIPS beam line. The 25MeV/u He beam was produced and purified from the projectile fragmentation of 70MeV/u C primary