Electrophysiological Evidence of Gender differences in Chinese words recognition
作者单位:The Medical Psychological department of Second Xiangya HospitalCentral South University
会议名称:《2005 International Conference on Neural Networks and Brain(ICNN&B’05)》
主办单位:China Neural Networks Council, CNNC;IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Beijing Chapter;Chinese Institute of Electronics, CIE;Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence CAAI
学科分类:0402[教育学-心理学(可授教育学、理学学位)] 04[教育学]
关 键 词:Gender difference Recognition Event-related potentials(ERPs) Old/new effects
摘 要:正Event-related potentials were recorded in order to study gender difference in the brain processes of verbal recognition memory.15 male and 15 female healthy volunteers received a Chinese words recognition *** males and females showed a positive-going parietal old/new effect,but females demonstrated larger P500 amplitudes and shorter P500 latency than ***,the parietal old/new effect of males was significantly left-lateralized,while that of females showed more bilateral *** males elicited obvious frontally distributed old/new effect between 250 and 350 ms,which was negative-going and right-lateralized. These findings suggested that gender differences did exist in the recognition processing of Chinese *** of the gender differences could be interpreted as reflecting different strengths and speed of brain activation and others could be interpreted as reflecting the involvement of different neural *** addition,males and females may use different strategies to make correct discrimination.