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Study on Soft Measurement of SO2 Conversion Ratio of Produci...

Study on Soft Measurement of SO2 Conversion Ratio of Producing Sulfuric Acid from Metallurgical Off-gas Based on MLR

作     者:Ningning Wang Qingrong Huang Lihui Feng 

作者单位:Faculity of Information Engineering and Automation Kunming University of Science and Technology Yunnan Copper Industry Group Co. Ltd 


主办单位:IEEE;NE Univ;IEEE Ind Elect Chapter;IEEE Harbin Sect Control Syst Soc Chapter;Guizhou Univ;IEEE Control Syst Soc;Syst Engn Soc China;Chinese Assoc Artificial Intelligence;Chinese Assoc Automat;Tech Comm Control Theory;Chinese Assoc Aeronaut;Automat Control Soc;Chinese Assoc Syst Simulat;Simulat Methods & Modeling Soc;Intelligent Control & Management Soc


学科分类:083002[工学-环境工程] 0830[工学-环境科学与工程(可授工学、理学、农学学位)] 08[工学] 

关 键 词:Producing Sulfuric Acid from Metallurgical Off-gas SO2 Conversion Ratio Soft-Sensing Multiple Linear Regression 

摘      要:Producing sulfuric acid from metallurgical off-gas process is a complex system, SO2 conversion ratio is a key factor in the process of producing sulfuric acid from metallurgical off-gas, but it is difficult to direct on-line monitoring, is generally obtained by artificial test. Therefore, This article set a smelter’s two convert and two absorption of producing sulfuric acid from metallurgical process as a study focus, the soft-sensing model of SO2 conversion ratio was established by correlation analysis and pre-processing of the field data and multiple linear regression analysis method (MLR) was used. By quantitative analysis of the model fitting and forecasting effect,it indicated that the model has good predictive *** can be said that this study will be played an important role in prediction and monitoring online of SO2 conversion ratio of producing sulfuric acid from metallurgical off-gas process.

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