Foliar-Applied Cytokinins and Nitrogen Reduce Alternate Bearing and Increase Cumulative Yield of Pistachio
作者单位:Department of Botany and Plant SciencesUniversity of CaliforniaRiversideCA 92521-0124 University of California Kearney Agricultural Center9240 South Riverbend AveParlierCA 93648
学科分类:0710[理学-生物学] 071001[理学-植物学] 07[理学]
摘 要:正Alternate bearing in pistachio (Pistacia vera L., cv. Kerman) is due to the excessive abscission of the floral buds for the next year’s crop during the heavy on-year. Abscission of floral buds begins at nut fill (June) and proceeds through July. The floral buds are considered poor competitors in relation to the developing nuts. Whereas this mechanism was known, the physiological basis for floral bud abscission was not *** from our basic research documented that the concentrations of two important cytokinins, zeatin riboside and isopentyladenosine, each decreased 40% in floral buds on shoots carrying an on-year crop [greater than 70 nuts (fruit) per branch].The decrease in