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Advances in Laser Sports Medicine

Advances in Laser Sports Medicine

作     者:Timon Cheng-Yi Liu 

作者单位:Lab Laser Sports MedicineSouth China Normal University 



学科分类:1002[医学-临床医学] 100216[医学-运动医学] 10[医学] 

摘      要:Photobiomodulation(PBM)is an effect of laser irradiation monochromatic light or(LI) on biological systems,which modulates biological functions but does not results in irreducible *** LI intensity might be low(LIL) or moderate(MIL).There is PBM on almost all the cells related to exercise training,but PBM has been mainly used in athlete trauma care Randomized,double blind animal studies have shown the effectiveness of LIL therapy on tendon healing,bone healing,wound ***,double blind clinical trials have shown the effectiveness of LIL therapy on the pain relief of osteoarthritis and the rehabilitation of human digital flexor tendons,tennis and golfer’s elbow,and wound healing of human body sport injuries. In this paper,the possible applications of PBM in exercise training,athlete medical care and former elite athlete’s diseases of higher Relative risk than control such as osteoarthritis,diabetes and chronic bronchitis will be discussed in view of PBM mechanism and clinical applications. There is no PBM on a function in its function-specific homeostasis(FSH),but PBM promotes FSH ***,PBM can be used to promote the establishment of sport-specific homeostasis(SSH).Athletes’ physiological systems might be classified as SSH-essential systems (SESs) such as SSH-essential skeletal muscular system,oxidative-antioxidative system(OAS), cardiovascular system and so forth,and SSH-non-essential systems(SNSs) such as autonomic nervous systems(ANS),circadian system,psychological system,meridian and so on. Intravascular MIL therapy might be mediated by low level reactive oxygen species so that it can be used to treat athlete’s upper respiratory tract infections and former athlete’s chronic bronchitis. Intranasal LIL therapy might be mediated by Yangming channel,ANS and blood cells so that it can be used to promote the homeostasis establishment of athlete’s ANS,Yangming channel,blood cells and immune system,and to treat *** onset of

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