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Impact of Airbnb’s Brand Positioning on Marketing Strategie...

Impact of Airbnb’s Brand Positioning on Marketing Strategies of Chinese Real Estate Agencies

作     者:Mathias Mickael Sylvestre Estevez 





学科分类:12[管理学] 1204[管理学-公共管理] 1202[管理学-工商管理] 1201[管理学-管理科学与工程(可授管理学、工学学位)] 120405[管理学-土地资源管理] 

摘      要:Over the past few decades,number of students opting to study abroad for the effective completion of their higher educational degree has grown at a rapid rate.Therefore,it has become extremely important for the universities and educational institutes to ensure safe and unbiased facilities for the international students so that they can complete their studies effectively.In the context of China,the government has enhanced the associated factors which include the several government regulations and facilities,real estate infrastructure,and cost of education.The following study has concentrated on the city of Shanghai in China in order to examine the extent,to which appropriate delivery of real estate techniques has increased the ability to attract the overseas students.In order to evaluate the influences that the real estate agencies have on the process of attracting the foreign student,the study has concentrated on finding the answers to the following research question:“How can Chinese real estate agencies benefit from brand positioning strategies used by Airbnb and improve on their brand positioning in order to reach and attract more international students to China?Literature ReviewThe review of relevant literature has helped the researcher in identifying the reasons,which encourage foreign students to pursue higher education in China.This has helped understand the exact reasons behind the incoming of large number of international students.Shanghai has witnessed the second highest number of international students in China as it is deemed the economic and financial hub of the country,which presents opportunities for internships and further job opportunities.The reasons identified include the availability of the top-rated universities,adequate infrastructure,government initiatives and variety of available coursework.Moreover,the educational institutions in China provide premium education at affordable rates.In addition,the accommodation facilities in China are available at substantially lower cost as compared to the European countries and the USA.Further,simplification of the immigration and visa application process,and the popularity of China as a tourist location has also enhanced the number of international students.Previous studies have inferred that majority of the students have similar requirements while looking for off-campus accommodation.The common features that students look for include safety,availability of a high-speed internet and communal space,the total cost associated,and the location of the accommodation with respect to the proximity to the university or the modes of transportation.However,there exists a small portion of the students that have a preference for luxury facilities like a hot tub,garden terrace,and large screen plasma televisions.Previous research has also concentrated on identifying all the available techniques used by the real estate agencies in order to convince the overseas students to take admission in the Chinese universities.Studies have stated that digital channels are the most effective medium in order to reach the younger generation of students across the globe.The common techniques identified include the creation of a professional website,incorporation of 3D scanned images of the properties,info graphics and interactive videos,the use of social media platforms and influencer marketing tactics,and the use of various features in order to appeal to customer of various cultural backgrounds.Such attributes have been regarded as the independent factors and the dependent is associated with attracting international students.The challenges that the real estate agencies in Shanghai in appealing to an international clientele is mostly associated the language barriers and the cultural differences.Further,the lack of research material about the effectiveness of such techniques from the perspective of international students currently studying in Shanghai has also been observed.Therefore,further research has been conducted to fill the gap by obtaining insights about the techniques used by real estate agencies to attract international students in Shanghai.Research MethodologyThe study has selected specific tools and techniques for conducting this study.In this case,qualitative phenomenological case study approach and techniques have been employed in order to fulfil the pre-defined objectives.This research has been conducted mainly by using primary data,which has been collected by way of focus group interviews targeting 15 respondents.However,eight respondents accepted to take part in the study and were included in the study sample.The guiding interview questionnaire consisted of 10 broad,open-ended questions.With a majority of the questions having supplement follow-up questions for assessing the effect of the emerging factors in the main question.On the other hand,the secondary data has been obtained from different sources like journals,magazines and official websites,and have been analyzed using content analysis techniques to help in the identification of various theories,components,determinants,and themes on brand positioning.Findings and AnalysisEight respondents out of the targeted fifteen focus group interview subjects accepted to take part in the study and were thereby selected as part of the representative sample using purposive sampling techniques.However,since the criteria for eligibility to participate in the research necessitated either a participant is an employee of the case company or any other company providing accommodation for international students in studying in shanghai,no other profiling requirements were considered for the eligibility of the participants.Majority of the respondents agreed that the real estate agencies in Shanghai have the ability to implement internet use techniques in marketing their assets although a majority of them have not invested in digital marketing.As a result,Chinese real estate companies have websites designed in their local language limiting accessibility by potential international students.Conversely,foreign-based companies have embraced communication efficiency in their web pages by adding features that enable ease of access by international students,provide 3D image of the properties enabling offsite students to have a glimpse of the properties,incorporated multiple languages,and have a fair value for their customers.Therefore,it can be concluded that the foreign real estate agencies have been successful in appealing to more international students from diverse cultural backgrounds compared to local based companies.The major difference among the students in terms of the criteria used for selecting an accommodation is dictated by their preference of an easier lifestyle compared to the desire for luxury facilities.DiscussionSimilar to previous studies,this study estlishes that distinctive communication strategies,websites design features,companies’ raptor with the clients,the characterization and considerations for pricing and quality of services provided,and trust among other factors are major determinants of brand image and awareness.However,these factors are only effective if they positively influence the image created in the consumer.Else,have detrimental effect to the loyalty that a consumer develops in a brand.The Chinese real estate market is dynamic especially when providing international students’ accommodation.The results also conform to the previous research as it has been inferred that the vast majority of the students have similar requirements while seeking accommodations and only a handful of the students have different needs.The challenges identified in attracting international clientele has associated with cultural differences.Even though the overall impact is positive,the challenges have been substantiated in the current study,as a small percentage of students have opined that the cultural appeals fall short of the expectations.Conclusion and RecommendationsAlthough Chinese real estate companies are better positioned to attract more international student to study in China,most if these companies are poorly positioned in the market compared to foreign based companies.Through this research,it is established that Chinese real estate firms and agencies should develop professional websites,which can also be supported on mobile devices to improve on their communication and outreach to customers,and incorporate Infographics,3D images,and interactive videos for use by offsite clientele.The company websites should provide options to change the languages as per the convenience of the users.Moreover,Chinese real estate firms should use of social media platforms and influencer marketing in order to reach out to and attract more foreign students.Even though the overall impact of the techniques adopted by real estate agencies is favorable in attracting foreign students,some aspects undermine the effectiveness.Hence,recommendations have been made to the real estate agencies so that they can make further impact on enhancing the total number of overseas students.It has been recommended to conduct extensive market research in order to gain insights about the tastes and preferences of the foreign students so that the real estate agencies can be equipped to cater to the various needs and demands of the students.Further,efforts should be made to collaborate with celebrities and other influencers over social media to convince the foreign students for seeking higher education in Shanghai.Additionally,the website should be revamped to include the option,which would allow the users to change the language,and the units of measurement and currency as per their preference.

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