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Research on Methods for Obtaining GIS Measurements Based on ...

Research on Methods for Obtaining GIS Measurements Based on Image Processing

作     者:Justice Faustin 



导师姓名:Zou Beiji


学科分类:08[工学] 080203[工学-机械设计及理论] 0802[工学-机械工程] 

主      题:Camera calibration Photogrammetry GIS GPS Projection matrix DLT 

摘      要:Geospatial Information System is one of the key technologies for the establishment of Digital Earth. Especially with the development of digital Photogrammetry and the high resolution commercial remote sensing image technologies, a number of users all over the world have put them into use in variety of fields and have pave a wide market for the geospatial applications in future. The purpose of this thesis is to find out a simple, easy and robust solution to the existing technologies for obtaining GIS measurements from images. Due to enormous increase in the utilization of the technologies such as Global Positioning Systems, (GPS for short) and Geographic Information Systems, (GIS for short) then there is a vast need to find a cheaper and affordable methodology to obtain measurements of different scenes. This is due to the high cost of infrastructure and technologies involved. This thesis outlines a description of obtaining those scene measurements from images in an easy way. The points are extracted and used as the basis for comparison between ground points and image points. The thesis also describes how to utilize camera calibration and Photogrammetry techniques to obtain the required measurements. The first step involved in the process is to calibrate the camera to get the required matrices. The second step is to use Photogrammetry techniques on same image without losing the generality of the system settings. The third step is combining the camera calibration and Photogrammetry techniques to produce a model which I have put forward in this thesis and its analysis in terms of its level of accuracy compared to the other previous researchers.

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