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A review of cooperative path planning of an unmanned aerial vehicle group

A review of cooperative path planning of an unmanned aerial vehicle group

作     者:Hao ZHANG Bin XIN Li-hua DOU Jie CHEN Kaoru HIROTA Hao ZHANG;Bin XIN;Li-hua DOU;Jie CHEN;Kaoru HIROTA

作者机构:School of AutomationBeijing Institute of TechnologyBeijing 100081China State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Control and Decision of Complex SystemsBeijing 100081China Department of Computational Intelligence and Systems ScienceTokyo Institute of TechnologyTokyo 1528550Japan 

出 版 物:《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 (信息与电子工程前沿(英文版))

年 卷 期:2020年第21卷第12期

页      面:1671-1694页


学科分类:080202[工学-机械电子工程] 08[工学] 0804[工学-仪器科学与技术] 082503[工学-航空宇航制造工程] 0802[工学-机械工程] 0825[工学-航空宇航科学与技术] 

基  金:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.61822304,61673058,61621063,61720106011,and62088101) the NSFC-Zhejiang Joint Fund for the Integration of Industrialization and Informatization(No.U1609214) the Consulting Research Project of the Chinese Academy of Engineering(No.2019-XZ-7) the Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Intelligent Robots and Systems,and the Peng Cheng Laboratory 

主  题:Unmanned aerial vehicle group Cooperation Path planning Optimization problem 

摘      要:As a cutting-edge branch of unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)technology,the cooperation of a group of UAVs has attracted increasing attention from both civil and military sectors,due to its remarkable merits in functionality and flexibility for accomplishing complex extensive tasks,e.g.,search and rescue,fire-fighting,reconnaissance,and *** path planning(CPP)is a key problem for a UAV group in executing tasks *** this paper,an attempt is made to perform a comprehensive review of the research on CPP for UAV ***,a generalized optimization framework of CPP problems is proposed from the viewpoint of three key elements,i.e.,task,UAV group,and environment,as a basis for a comprehensive classification of different types of CPP *** following the proposed framework,a taxonomy for the classification of existing CPP problems is proposed to describe different kinds of CPPs in a unified ***,a review and a statistical analysis are presented based on the taxonomy,emphasizing the coordinative elements in the existing CPP *** addition,a collection of challenging CPP problems are provided to highlight future research directions.

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