Dolomitization of the Ordovician subsalt Majiagou Formation in the central Ordos Basin,China:fluid origins and dolomites evolution
在中央 Ordos 盆的奥陶纪 subsalt Majiagou 形成的化成白云石,中国: 液体起源和白云石进化作者机构:State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and ExploitationSouthwest Petroleum UniversityChengdu610500SichuanChina Division of Key Laboratory of Carbonate ReservoirsCNPCSouthwest Petroleum UniversityChengdu610500SichuanChina Institute of Subsurface Energy SystemsClausthal University of Technology38678Clausthal-ZellerfeldGermany Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and DevelopmentPetroChina Southwest Oil and Gas Field CompanyChengdu610000SichuanChina Key Laboratory of Carbonate ReservoirCNPCHangzhou310023ZhejiangChina
出 版 物:《Petroleum Science》 (石油科学(英文版))
年 卷 期:2021年第18卷第2期
页 面:362-379页
学科分类:081803[工学-地质工程] 08[工学] 0818[工学-地质资源与地质工程]
基 金:This study was supported by the National Science and Technology Major Projects of China(Grant Nos.2016ZX05004006-001-002 and 2016ZX05004002-001) PetroChina Science and Technology Project(Grant No.2019B-0406) the China Scholarship Council(No.201908080005)
主 题:Dolomitization Fluid origin Dolomite reservoir Hydrothermal alteration Ordos Basin
摘 要:The Middle Ordovician subsalt Majiagou Formation in the Ordos Basin comprises pervasively dolomitized shallow marine limestone and is a major reservoir rich in natural gas *** types of dolomite matrix and cement were identified based on petrographic textures:(very)finely crystalline,non-planar to planar-s matrix dolomite(Md1);finely to medium crystalline,planar-s to planar-e matrix dolomite(Md2);microbialites comprising dolomite microcrystals(Md3);and finely to coarsely crystalline dolomite cement(Cd).The Md1 and Md2 dolomites were controlled by alternating lagoon-shoal facies and haveδ13C values(−1.89 to+1.45‰VPDB for Md1,−1.35 to+0.42‰VPDB for Md2)that fall within or are slightly higher than the coeval seawater,suggesting the dolomitizing fluid of evaporated ***2 dolomite was then subjected to penecontemporaneous karstification by meteoric water and burial recrystallization by sealed brines during diagenesis,as indicated by its relatively lowerδ18O values(−8.89 to−5.73‰VPDB)and higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios(0.708920–0.710199).Md3 dolomite comprises thrombolite and stromatolite and is interpreted to form by a combination of initial microbial mediation and later replacive dolomitization related to evaporated *** dolomite was associated with early-formed karst system in the Md2 host *** lowestδ18O values(−11.78 to−10.18‰VPDB)and 87Sr/86Sr ratios(0.708688–0.708725)and fluid inclusion data(Th:123–175°C)indicate involvement of hydrothermal fluid from which the Cd dolomite precipitated during deep *** results reveal the multi-stage dolomitization history of the Majiagou Formation and provide new constraints on fluid origins and dolomites evolution during deep burial in old superimposed basins,such as the Ordos Basin and elsewhere.