Changes in Practicing Teachers’ Self Efficacy in Teaching Scientific Inquiry
作者机构:University of ColomboColomboSri lanka Management and Science UniversityShah AlamMalaysia
出 版 物:《Management Studies》 (管理研究(英文版))
年 卷 期:2020年第8卷第4期
页 面:307-314页
学科分类:0502[文学-外国语言文学] 050201[文学-英语语言文学] 05[文学]
主 题:teacher self-efficacy scientific inquiry student engagement classroom management instructional strategies
摘 要:Teacher self-efficacy is an important predictor in teacher’s professional career for inquiry-based *** study investigated the factors(gender,educational level,and teaching experience)associated with science teachers’self-efficacy in instructional strategies,classroom management,and student engagement in teaching scientific inquiry.A questionnaire was used for data collection from 47 practicing teachers in state schools in 2018.A General Linear Model(GLM)Univariate analysis using SPSS 21.00 programme was used for data *** findings revealed that mean perceived self-efficacy in inquiry-based instruction was considerably high irrespective of gender,education level,and teaching *** teacher self-efficacy in student engagement nor classroom management did not show statistically significant difference according to gender,education level,and teaching ***,results concluded that science teaching experience was a significant predictor of self-efficacy in instructional strategies of inquiry-based instruction.