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Research progress on pharmacology and adverse reactions of gastrodin

作     者:Peng Lu Ke Xiong Ming Huang Bing Zhang Xian-Bin Kong 

作者机构:State Key Laboratory of Component-based Chinese MedicineTianjin University of Traditional Chinese MedicineTianjin301617China Engineering Research Center of Modern Chinese Medicine Discovery and Preparation TechniqueMinistry of EducationTianjin301617China School of Food and Biology EngineeringXuzhou University of TechnologyJiangsu221018China College of traditional Chinese medicineTianjin University of traditional Chinese MedicineTianjin301617China 

出 版 物:《Asian Toxicology Research》 

年 卷 期:2020年第2卷第4期

页      面:170-175页

学科分类:081704[工学-应用化学] 07[理学] 08[工学] 0817[工学-化学工程与技术] 070303[理学-有机化学] 0703[理学-化学] 

主  题:Gastrodin Pharmacology Clinical application Adverse reactions Effectiveness 

摘      要:Gastrodin(4-hydroxymethylphenyl-β-d-glucopyranoside)is an active ingredient with high content,which is isolated from the rhizome of Gastrodia *** injections,tablets and capsules are currently the main gastrodin-related preparations in clinical practice,and gastrodin injections are the most widely *** article will summarize pharmacology and adverse reactions of gastrodin to evaluate its safety,effectiveness and quality *** has pharmacological effects on central nervous system(vertigo,headache,insomnia,neurasthenia,convulsions and epilepsy,etc.),cardiovascular system and other diseases(osteoporosis,osteoarthritis and bone injury,etc.),but we still need to pay attention to its clinical adverse reactions(some patients may have dry mouth and nose,dizziness and stomach discomfort).In addition,further research is needed in other fields,such as health products,food,cosmetics,*** also need to further develop and explore the new pharmacological effects of gastrodin and expand its medicinal value.

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