Eggshell-inspired membrane—shell strategy for simultaneously improving the sensitivity and detection range of strain sensors
蛋类膜-壳结构启发制备兼具高灵敏度和宽检测范围的应变传感作者机构:Advanced Nano-materials DivisionSuzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics(SINANO)Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)Suzhou215123China Tianjin Key Laboratory of Molecular Optoelectronic SciencesDepartment of ChemistryInstitute of Molecular Aggregation ScienceTianjin UniversityTianjin300072China i-labSINANOCASSuzhou215123China International Collaborative Laboratory of 2D Materials for Optoelectronics Science and Technology of Ministry of EducationInstitute of Microscale OptoelectronicsShenzhen UniversityShenzhen518060China
出 版 物:《Science China Materials》 (中国科学(材料科学(英文版))
年 卷 期:2021年第64卷第3期
页 面:717-726页
学科分类:07[理学] 070205[理学-凝聚态物理] 080202[工学-机械电子工程] 08[工学] 080501[工学-材料物理与化学] 0805[工学-材料科学与工程(可授工学、理学学位)] 0802[工学-机械工程] 0702[理学-物理学]
基 金:the National Key Research and Development Program(2018YFA0703200 and2016YFB0401100) the National Natural Science Foundation of China(21573277,51503221 and 21905199) Tianjin Natural Science Foundation(19JCJQJC62600 and 194214030036) the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences of Chinese Academy of Sciences(QYZDB-SSW-SLH031)
主 题:strain sensor detection range high sensitivity surface-grafting membrane-shell
摘 要:The tradeoff between sensitivity and detection range(maximum and minimum stretchability)is a key limitation in strain sensors;to resolve this,we develop an efficient and novel strategy herein to fabricate a highly sensitive and stretchable strain sensor inspired by the membrane-shell structure of poultry *** developed sensor comprises a soft and stretchable surface-grafting polypyrrole(s-PPy)film(acting as the membrane)and a brittle Au film(acting as the shell),wherein both films complement each other at the electrical and mechanical *** forms cracks under strain contributing to its high sensitivity and low detection limit,and s-PPy can bridge Au cracks and increase stretchability which has not been used in strain sensors *** surface-grafting strategy not only enhances interface adhesion but also tunes the brittle property of native PPy to render it *** the synergetic effect of the membrane-shell complementary structure,the strain sensors achieve ultrahigh sensitivity(10^(7)),large stretchability(100%),and an ultralow detection limit(0.1%),demonstrating significant progress in the field of strain *** membrane-shell(Au/s-PPy)-structured strain sensor can successfully detect finger motion,wrist rotation,airflow fluctuation,and voice vibration;these movements produce strain in the range of subtle to marked *** evidence the ultrahigh performance and bright application prospects of the developed strain sensors.