The effect of an individual’s education level on their systems skills in the system of systems domain
作者机构:Department of Industrial and Systems EngineeringMississippi State UniversityMississippi StateMSUSA Department of Engineering Management&Systems EngineeringOld Dominion UniversityNorfolkVAUSA
出 版 物:《Journal of Management Analytics》 (管理分析学报(英文))
年 卷 期:2020年第7卷第4期
页 面:510-531页
学科分类:0502[文学-外国语言文学] 050201[文学-英语语言文学] 05[文学]
基 金:National Science Foundation NSF
主 题:system of systems(SoS) education skill-set systems thinking(ST) complex system
摘 要:Today’s rapid proliferation of information and technological advancements has led to complex and uncertain modern systems *** problems resulting from this increased complexity may surpass engineers’current capacity to perform effectively within the domain of complex *** response to this situation,the concept of Systems Thinking(ST)has been advanced as an aid to building a mental map that offers a robust conceptual understanding to offset the challenges of modern system of systems(SoS)*** there has been some research regarding the effect of age and gender on ST preferences,there is still a lack of studies investigating how an individual’s ST skills preferences in system of systems(SoS)domain vary across educational *** addition,most of the extant literature focuses on one or two measures to assess the individual ST;thus,there is a need to include the full spectrum of ST measures to assess the ST skills preferences of an individual in the domain of complex *** address these gaps,this research uses an established ST skills preferences instrument to gauge an individual’s ST skills preferences in the SoS domain based on the educational *** hundred and fifty-eight participants with educational qualifications ranging from non-degree to graduate degree participated in the *** analysis of the responses was performed by a post-hoc test to show which groups differ *** the results obtained through aggregate individual responses,we conclude that each group(i.e bachelor,masters and phD),possesses a different ST skills preference profile on average,and the educational qualifications in the SoS environment has a moderation impact on individuals’system skills preferences.