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Ullmann-Ma Reaction:Development,Scope and Applications in Organic Synthesis

作     者:Qian Cai Wei Zhou Qian Cai;Wei Zhou

作者机构:College of PharmacyJinan UniversityNo.601 Huangpu Avenue WestGuangzhouGuangdong 510632China 

出 版 物:《Chinese Journal of Chemistry》 (中国化学(英文版))

年 卷 期:2020年第38卷第8期

页      面:879-893页


学科分类:07[理学] 070303[理学-有机化学] 0703[理学-化学] 

基  金:The authors are grateful to the Guangdong Special SupportProgram(No.2017TX04RO59) the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China(No.21772066)for the financial support. 

主  题:synthesis coupling Ullmann 

摘      要:Copper-catalyzed cross-couplings of aryl halides and nucleophiles,traditionally called Ullmann-type coupling reactions,were initially reported by Ullmann et al.from 1901-1929.A seminal report in 1998 by Ma et al.from Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences revealed an accelerating effect caused by amino acids,which brought Ullmann-type coupling reactions into a ligand-accelerating era.From 1999 to the first 10 years of 2000s,the first-generation ligands were developed by many researchers and promoted Ullmann-type coupling reactions of aryl iodides and bromides under relatively mild conditions.Amino acid ligands,developed by Ma and coworkers,are one class of the most important first-generation ligands.In the second 10 years of 2000s,Ma et al.led the discovery of second-generation ligands for copper-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions.Two great breakthroughs have been realized by using second-generation oxalic diamide and related amide ligands,with aryl chlorides as general coupling partner and with low catalyst loadings.Now copper-catalyzed cross coupling reactions of aryl halides and nucleophiles with amino acids or oxalic diamides and related amides as ligands are recognized as Ullmann-Ma reactions and have found extensive applications in organic synthesis.

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