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Genetic Advances in Genome and Phenotypic Characters of Domestic Dog

作     者:Li Jing Wan Jiusheng Chen Chao Deng Weidong Yue Rui Xiong Heli Li Liguang 

作者机构:Kunming Police Dog Base of the Ministry of Public SecurityKunming 650201China Key Laboratory of Police Dog Technology of the Ministry of Public SecurityKunming 650201China School of Animal Science and Technology of Yunnan Agricultural UniversityKunming 650201China 

出 版 物:《Animal Husbandry and Feed Science》 (动物与饲料科学(英文版))

年 卷 期:2020年第12卷第2期

页      面:15-22页

学科分类:0905[农学-畜牧学] 09[农学] 

基  金:Supported by Special Project of Basic Work of Strengthening Police by Science and Technology of the Ministry of Public Security (2018GABJC27,2019GABJC29) Basic Research Program of Science and Technology Project from Yunnan Department of Science and Technology (Youth Project)(2019FD025) 

主  题:Domestic dog Genetic evolution Genome Linkage disequilibrium Phenotypic trait genes 

摘      要:Dogs represent such a rich potential resource to further understand diseases and genetic *** the genomes of three species of canine,human,and rat in terms of genome analysis,it is found that dogs are highly conservative with humans and *** special population structure of dogs makes it a good model for studying the diversity of morphology and behavior,the genetic basis of mammalian evolution,and *** article gives a brief review of recent advances in domestic dog origin and evolution,genomic structure,genetic variation in dog pheno-typic characteristics,and gene *** research results are expected to provide a better theoretical basis for canine genetic breeding re-search and provide new ideas and methods for the prevention,diagnosis and treatment of human diseases.

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