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Electrical Capacitance and Resistance Assessing Tree Vigor

Electrical Capacitance and Resistance Assessing Tree Vigor

作     者:QU Zhiwei WANG Xiangfeng LIANG Jun 

作者机构:Research Institute of Forest EcologyEnvtronment and Protection Chinese Academy of Forestry Beiiing 100091P.R.China 

出 版 物:《Chinese Forestry Science and Technology》 (中国林业科技(英文版))

年 卷 期:2005年第4卷第4期

页      面:37-42页

学科分类:07[理学] 0713[理学-生态学] 

基  金:Supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (grant No. 30471384 ) 

主  题:electrical resistance electrical capacitance tree vigor 

摘      要:The paper summarizes the research progresses of electrical capacitance and electrical resistance assessing tree vigor and points out the development direction of the study. Researches show that electrical capacitance is related to the indexes of periodic growth rate of trees, foliar biomass and diameter of breast height, while electrical resistance has inverse relationships with the above indexes. Eiectrical capacitance and electrical resistance change when trees suffer environmental stress, insect pests or diseases. Especially, changes of electrical resistance are observed before symptom expression of some tree diseases, which can help to establish a certain disease potential hazard rating system. Mechanisms of electrical capacitance and resistance assessing tree vigor, especially in molecule level, still need to be studied and the application criteria of electrical resistance and capacitance need to be established.

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