Radio Frequency Environment Effect Algorithms and Implementation in Signal-level Radar System Simulation
Radio Frequency Environment Effect Algorithms and Implementation in Signal-level Radar System Simulation作者机构:Department of Mechanical Engineering and Automation National University of Defence Technology Changsha Changsha 410073 China
出 版 物:《系统仿真技术》 (System Simulation Technology)
年 卷 期:2009年第5卷第1期
页 面:45-54页
学科分类:080904[工学-电磁场与微波技术] 0810[工学-信息与通信工程] 0809[工学-电子科学与技术(可授工学、理学学位)] 08[工学] 081105[工学-导航、制导与控制] 081001[工学-通信与信息系统] 081002[工学-信号与信息处理] 0825[工学-航空宇航科学与技术] 0811[工学-控制科学与工程]
摘 要:In radar system simulation,the reliability of simulation results depends not only on radar and target models,but also on radio frequency (RF) environment models,including clutter,multipath,diffraction,atmosphere refraction and *** traditional radar function simulation,all of these factors are grouped into a single pattern-propagation factor and can only give limited information for radar *** signal-level simulation,radar models require simulated echoes should include information such as delay,doppler frequency,polarization,*** discussing and analyzing the principles and algorithms of RF environment effects (clutter,multipath,diffraction,atmosphere refraction and attenuation),this paper is supposed to provide a general RF environment model in *** for the Weibull clutter with Gaussian power spectral density (PSD) is discussed;A standard multipath and diffraction algorithm is analyzed,and the spherical earth and knife edge(SEKE)diffraction algorithm is introduced;The ray-tracing algorithm and the effective earth model are discussed;Algorithms for the absorption of oxygen and vapor are introduced;For certain algorithms,some practical advice is ***,an object-oriented RF environment effects model is implemented,which has been dedicatedly designed for signal-level simulations and can provide relatively authentic simulated RF environment for the signal-level simulation of radar *** simulation examples including clutter model and multipath and diffraction model are carried out and analyzed.