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Geodetic slip rate and locking depth of east Semangko Fault derived from GPS measurement

Geodetic slip rate and locking depth of east Semangko Fault derived from GPS measurement

作     者:Satrio Muhammad Alif Erlangga Ibrahim Fattah Munawar Kholil Satrio Muhammad Alif;Erlangga Ibrahim Fattah;Munawar Kholil

作者机构:Geomatics EngineeringInstitut Teknologi SumateraIndonesia Geophysics EngineeringInstitut Teknologi SumateraIndonesia Geospatial Information AgencyIndonesia 

出 版 物:《Geodesy and Geodynamics》 (大地测量与地球动力学(英文版))

年 卷 期:2020年第11卷第3期

页      面:222-228页

学科分类:081802[工学-地球探测与信息技术] 08[工学] 081105[工学-导航、制导与控制] 0818[工学-地质资源与地质工程] 0804[工学-仪器科学与技术] 0811[工学-控制科学与工程] 

基  金:funded by Institut Teknologi Sumatera Smart Mandiri 2019 Research Grant Fund No.B/364/IT9.C1/PT.01.03/2019 

主  题:Sumatran fault zone Semangko fault GPS Velocity Slip rate Locking depth 

摘      要:65 km Semangko Fault is part of southern segments of Sumatran Fault Zone(SFZ)which is complex corresponds to the transition from the strike-slip regime of the SFZ to the normal faulting tectonics of the Sunda *** recent publication showed branches of Semangko Fault:West Semangko Fault(WSF)and East Semangko Fault(ESF).This study estimated geodetic slip rate and locking depth of ESF using Global Positioning System(GPS)time series data from 2007 to 2019 from all available GPS *** velocities refer to Sundaland Plate were used to estimate the fault parameters of the WSF and ESF ***-uniformity of velocity direction shows the complexities of Semangko Fault possibly caused by the contribution of all faults around *** ESF geodetic slip rate,which is 12.5±2 mm/yr was lower than WSF,which is 16.5±2 mm/*** is consistent with the rigid block nature of the SFZ system as northern segment slip rates have similar *** slip rates are possibly leading to lower generated seismic moment than the major segment of SFZ.

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