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The Playwright, Creativity, and Society: Unpacking Sunnie Ododo's To Return From the Void

The Playwright, Creativity, and Society: Unpacking Sunnie Ododo's To Return From the Void

作     者:King Akan Nnaemeka Eyo 

作者机构:University of Maiduguri Nigeria 

出 版 物:《Sociology Study》 

年 卷 期:2015年第5卷第2期

页      面:103-113页

学科分类:050104[文学-中国古典文献学] 0501[文学-中国语言文学] 05[文学] 08[工学] 0825[工学-航空宇航科学与技术] 

主  题:Agenda-setting ideology national development society playwright 

摘      要:The role of the playwright as a force for social reconstruction has been given much attention in theatre scholarship and continues to be a fertile ground for research. Because playwrights draw their stories from society, it is necessary to study their works in other to construe the ways by which they craft our world and make us view society through their own eyes, narratives, symbols, images, and imagination. This paper analyses the play To Return From the Void by Sunnie Ododo to unearth the salient issues and themes addressed in the play. This paper posits that through their treatment of society, playwrights influence the consciousness of the people by bringing salience to certain issues in society. The analysis of the play also reveals the playwright's ideological position on issues. It is plausible to say that character and dialogue are the media through which the playwright channels his ideologies in a play.

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