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Osteogenic and antibacterial dual functions of a novel levofloxacin loaded mesoporous silica microspheres/nano-hydroxyapatite/ polyurethane composite scaffold

作     者:Zhiping Kuang Guangming Dai Ruijie Wan Dongli Zhang Chen Zhao Cheng Chen Jidong Li Hongchen Gu Wei Huang 

作者机构:Department of Orthopedic SurgeryThe First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical UniversityChongqing400016PR China Department of Orthopaedic SurgeryChongqing Traditional Chinese Medicine HospitalChongqing400011PR China Research Center for Nano-BiomaterialsAnalytical&Testing CenterSichuan UniversityChengduSichuan Province610065PR China State Key Laboratory of Oncogenes and Related GenesSchool of Biomedical EngineeringMed-X Research InstituteShanghai Jiaotong UniversityShanghai200240PR China 

出 版 物:《Genes & Diseases》 (基因与疾病(英文))

年 卷 期:2021年第8卷第2期

页      面:193-202页


学科分类:0831[工学-生物医学工程(可授工学、理学、医学学位)] 08[工学] 0836[工学-生物工程] 

基  金:This research was funded by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(863 Program grant number 2013AA032203) 

主  题:Antibacterial Composite scaffold Levofloxacin Nanobiomaterial Osteogenesis 

摘      要:Lev/MSNs/n-HA/PU has been proved to be a novel scaffold material to treat bone defect caused by chronic *** have previously identified that this material can effectively treat chronic osteomyelitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus in ***,the potential mechanisms of antibacterial and osteogenic induction properties remain ***,for osteogenesis property,immunohistochemistry,PCR,and Western blot were performed to detect the expression of osteogenic ***,flow cytometry and TUNEL were applied to analyze MC3T3-E1 proliferation and *** antibacterial property,the material was co-cultivated with bacteria,bacterial colony forming units was counted and the release time of the effective levofloxacin was assayed by agar disc-diffusion ***,scanning electron microscope was applied to observe adhesion of *** terms of osteogenic induction,we found BMSCs adherently grew more prominently on Lev/MSNs/n-HA/***/MSNs/n-HA/PU also enhanced the expression of osteogenic markers including OCN and COL1a1,as well as effectively promoted the transition from G1 phase to G2 ***,Lev/MSNs/n-HA/PU could reduce apoptosis of ***,both Lev/MSNs/n-HA/PU and n-HA/PU materials could inhibit bacterial colonies,while Lev/MSNs/n-HA/PU possessed a stronger antibacterial activities,and lower bacterial adhesion than n-HA/*** results illustrated that Lev/MSNs/n-HA/PU composite scaffold possess favorable compatibility in vitro,which induce osteogenic differentiation of MSCs,promote proliferation and differentiation of MC3T3-E1,and inhibit ***,clear in vitro antibacterial effect of Lev/MSNs/n-HA/PU was also *** summary,this study replenishes the potential of Lev/MSNs/n-HA/PU composite scaffold possess dual functions of anti-infection and enhanced osteogenesis for future clinical application.

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