Thermal Energy Storage Contribution to the Economic Dispatch of Island Power Systems
作者机构:School of Electrical and Computer EngineeringNational Technical University of Athens(NTUA)Zografou 15780Greece Hellenic Electricity Distri-bution Network Operator S.A.(HEDNO)Athens 11743Greece Clean Energy Processes(CEP)LaboratoryDepart-ment of Chemical EngineeringImperial College LondonLondon SW72AZU.K.
出 版 物:《CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems》 (中国电机工程学会电力与能源系统学报(英文))
年 卷 期:2020年第6卷第1期
页 面:100-110页
学科分类:080802[工学-电力系统及其自动化] 0808[工学-电气工程] 08[工学]
主 题:Economic dispatch energy-management energy storage flexibleenergysystem flexiblegeneration generation integrated energystorage phasechangematerials smartgrids
摘 要:In this paper the provision of flexible generation is investigated by extracting steam from Rankine-cycle power stations during off-peak demand in order to charge thermal tanks that contain suitable phase-change materials(PCMs);at a later time when this is required and/or is economically effective,these thermal energy storage(TES)tanks can act as the heat sources of secondary thermal power plants in order to generate power,for example as evaporators of,e.g.,organic Rankine cycle(ORC)plants that are suitable for power generation at reduced temperatures and smaller *** type of solution offers greater flexibility than TES-only technologies that store thermal energy and release it back to the base power station,since it allows both derating but also over-generation compared to the base power-station *** solution is applied in a case study of a 50-MW rated oil-fired power station unit at the autonomous system of *** optimal operation of the TES system is investigated,by solving a modified Unit Commitment-Economic Dispatch optimization problem,which includes the TES operating *** results indicate that for most of the scenarios the discounted payback period is lower than 12 years,while in few cases the payback period is 5 years.