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Spatial-temporal spectrum hole discovery:a hybrid spectrum sensing and geolocation database framework

Spatial-temporal spectrum hole discovery:a hybrid spectrum sensing and geolocation database framework

作     者:Jinlong Wang Guoru Ding Qihui Wu Liang Shen Fei Song 

作者机构:College of Communications EngineeringPLA University of Science and Technology 

出 版 物:《Chinese Science Bulletin》 (科学通报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2014年第59卷第16期

页      面:1896-1902页


学科分类:08[工学] 0804[工学-仪器科学与技术] 080402[工学-测试计量技术及仪器] 

基  金:supported by the National Nat-ural Science Foundation of China(61172062 and 61301160) Jiangsu Province Natural Science Foundation(BK2011116) the National Basic Research Program of China(2009CB320400) 

主  题:位置数据库 地理定位 混合协议 频谱 感知 框架 时空 空洞 

摘      要:A hybrid spectrum sensing and geolocation database framework is proposed to tackle the discovery of spatial-temporal spectrum hole in cognitive radio networks.We first analyze the advantages and disadvantages of spectrum sensing-based and geolocation database-based approaches respectively,which motivate us to further propose a hybrid protocol framework by effectively integrating the benefits of both spectrum sensing and geolocation database.Specifically,in the proposed hybrid approach,the goal is to maximize the utilization of spatialtemporal spectrum hole while satisfying the protection constraints for the primary users.Analytical and numerical results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed hybrid approach over the existing spectrum sensing only and geolocation database only approaches,in terms of interference-free throughput.This article serves as a fundamental framework for advancing the design of hybrid approaches for spatial-temporal spectrum hole discovery.

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