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Cation Distribution in Lithium Ferrite(LiFe_(5)O_(8))Prepared via Aerosol Route

作     者:Sonal Singhal Kailash Chandra 

作者机构:Department of ChemistryPanjab UniversityChandigarhIndia Institute Instrumentation CentreIndian Institute of TechnologyRoorkeeIndia 

出 版 物:《Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications》 (电磁分析与应用期刊(英文))

年 卷 期:2010年第2卷第1期

页      面:51-55页

学科分类:07[理学] 0703[理学-化学] 

主  题:Nano Particles Saturation Magnetization Coercivity X-Ray Diffraction Mossbauer Spectra 

摘      要:Nano size lithium ferrite was prepared through aerosol route and characterized using TEM, XRD, magnetic measurements and M?ssbauer spectroscopy. The particle size of as obtained samples were found to be ~10 nm through TEM, that increases upto ~80 nm on annealing at 1200 oC. The unit cell parameter ‘a’ calculated using XRD, confirms the formation of ?-LiFe5O8. Room temperature M?ssbauer spectra of as obtained sample of all the ferrites exhibited broad doublet suggesting super paramagnetic nature. This doublet further resolved into two doublets and assigned to the surface region atoms and internal region atoms of the particles. The annealed samples (1200 oC) show broad sextets, which were fitted with two sextets indicating different local environment of both tetrahedrally and octahedrally coordinated Fe-cation. Cation distribution obtained from the X-ray, magnetic and M?ssbauer data confirms that the three fifth of the iron atom goes in to the octahedral site.

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