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Preparation and tribological performances of Ni-P-multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite coatings


作     者:孟振强 李溪滨 熊拥军 湛菁 MENG Zhen-qiang;LI Xi-bin;XIONG Yong-jun;ZHAN Jing


出 版 物:《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 (中国有色金属学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2012年第22卷第11期

页      面:2719-2725页


学科分类:080503[工学-材料加工工程] 08[工学] 0805[工学-材料科学与工程(可授工学、理学学位)] 

基  金:Project (JPPT-115-5-1759) supported by the National Defense Science and Technology Industry Committee of China Project (20090162120080) supported by Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China Project (2010FJ3012) supported by the Program of Science and Technology of Hunan Province, China 

主  题:Ni-P coating carbon nanotubes composite coating ball milling electroless plating self-lubrication tribologicalperformance friction coefficient volume wear rate 

摘      要:Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were wet-milled in the presence of ammonia and cationic surfactant and then used as reinforcements to prepare Ni-P-MWNTs composite coatings by electroless plating. The tribological performances of the composite coatings under dry condition were investigated in comparison with 45 steel and conventional Ni-P coating, Micrographs show that short MWNTs with uniform length and open tips were obtained through the wet-milling process. The results of wear test reveal that the Ni-P-MWNTs composite coatings posses much better friction reduction and anti-wear performances when compared with 45 steel and Ni-P coating. Within the MWNTs content range of 0.74%-1.97%, the friction coefficient and the volume wear rate of the composite coatings decrease gradually and reach the minimum values of 0.08 and 6.22x10-15 m3/(N.m), respectively. The excellent tribological performances of the composite coatings can be attributed to the introduction of MWNTs, which play both roles of reinforcements and solid lubricant during the wear process.

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