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A Juvenile Sex Offender with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

作     者:Miyuru Chandradasa Darshani Hettiarachchi Roshan Fernando Malsha Gunathilake Swarna Wijetunge Ajith Tennakoon 

作者机构:Department of PsychiatryUniversity of Kelaniya Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health SciencesMonash UniversityAustralia Senior Registrar in Child&Adolescent PsychiatryLady Ridgeway Hospital for ChildrenSri Lanka Department of PsychiatryUniversity of KelaniyaSri Lanka National Institute of Mental HealthSri Lanka Consultant Child and Adolescent PsychiatristLady Ridgeway Hospital for Children Institute of Legal Medicine&ToxicologyColombo 

出 版 物:《Journal of Clinical and Nursing Research》 (临床护理研究(英文))

年 卷 期:2018年第2卷第1期

页      面:13-16页

学科分类:1002[医学-临床医学] 10[医学] 

主  题:Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity Sexual abuse of child Juvenile Offender Sri lanka 

摘      要:Background:Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)is a neurodevelopmental disorder manifesting in early *** children are more vulnerable to sexual abuse as victims and *** we describe a teenager with previously undiagnosed ADHD presenting with an alleged act of sexual *** report:According to the 14-year-old accused,he has engaged in penetrative anal intercourse with another school *** also divulged past such incidents involving a teenage male relative and insertion of foreign bodies by him to his anus *** assessment the accused had features of inattention such as difficulty in sustaining attention,failing to finish work and features of impulsivity such as difficulty waiting for his turn and intruding on *** was diagnosed with ADHD according to DSM 5 clinical criteria which were supported by the Sinhalese adaptation of the Swanson,Nolan and Pelham *** assessment of the non-verbal intelligence was in the normal range,but his school performance was far below the ***:Undiagnosed ADHD contributes to academic impairment and inappropriate sexual *** is possible that the described adolescent’s impulsiveness and inattention contributed to his academic failure and risky sexual *** detection and proper management of this disorder may have reduced the risk of such behaviour in him.

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