IPT's Quick & Dirty Economic Valuation Method: An Empirical Test on Three Cases
IPT's Quick & Dirty Economic Valuation Method: An Empirical Test on Three Cases作者机构:Institute for Technological Research Sao Paulo Brazil
出 版 物:《Chinese Business Review》 (中国经济评论(英文版))
年 卷 期:2015年第14卷第1期
页 面:1-7页
学科分类:02[经济学] 0201[经济学-理论经济学] 020105[经济学-世界经济] 080202[工学-机械电子工程] 08[工学] 0802[工学-机械工程]
主 题:technology valuation technology transfer intellectual property economic evaluation intellectualproperty (IP) agreements
摘 要:The assessment of economic potential of technological innovation projects and its valuation are key aspects in negotiations among universities, research institutes, and companies. Among the reasons for this, it can be quoted portfolio prioritization, which involves several different economic, social, and environmental impacts aspects and industrial productivity. The standard of economic potential is an important reference in the project selection process. For technology transfer, the valuation of technologies consists in a relevant task to support intellectual property (IP) negotiations. However, in dynamic environments, negotiations for the commercial exploitation and payment of IP resulting from research projects require quick answers, due to several aspects like tight deadlines to sign contracts. Moreover, technology valuation is one of the most complex activities related to the technology transfer. Due to these challenges faced by Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnol6gicas do Estado de S~,o Paulo (IPT--Institute For Technological Research) in its participation in Brazilian Association of Industrial Innovation (EMBRAPII, acronym in Brazilian Portuguese), authors developed an expedite technology valuation method, based on concepts of discounted cash flow (DCF) associated with Gompertz curve adaptations as a way to support universities and research institutes in negotiations with enterprises. This method has been regularly applied on negotiations between 1PT and companies. This paper will present cases of metallurgical companies. The results obtained confirm the validity of the method in supporting the definition of the payable amounts for commercial exploitation of technologies, enabling the application of this method as an alternative to some methods found in the literature and eventually employed by universities and research institutes in Brazil. For future research, authors recommend comparative studies between Gompertz curve and other methods, such as the Pearl curve