Practical studies on rockfall simulation by DDA
Practical studies on rockfall simulation by DDA作者机构:West Nippon Expressway Co.Ltd. School of Civil EngineeringKyoto University Kyoto University
出 版 物:《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 (岩石力学与岩土工程学报(英文版))
年 卷 期:2011年第3卷第1期
页 面:57-63页
学科分类:08[工学] 0837[工学-安全科学与工程]
主 题:discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) rockfall numerical simulations field experiment cut slope highway
摘 要:In this paper,simulations of real rockfall by discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) are *** the simulations,the energy losses of rockfall are categorized into three types,*** loss by friction,the loss by collision,and the loss by *** of the energy loss using absolute parameters is conducted by the DDA ***,in order to verify the applicability and validity of the proposed DDA,field tests on rockfall and corresponding simulations of rockfall tests by DDA are *** simulated results of rockfall velocity and rockfall jumping height agree well with those obtained from the field ***,the new technique properly considers the energy-absorption ability of slope based on vegetation condition and shape of the rockfall,and provides a new method for the assessment and preventive design of rockfall.