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Numerical simulation of dynamic large deformation and fracture damage for solid armature in electromagnetic railgun

Numerical simulation of dynamic large deformation and fracture damage for solid armature in electromagnetic railgun

作     者:Qing-hua Lin Bao-ming Li Qing-hua Lin;Bao-ming Li

作者机构:National Key Laboratory of Transient PhysicsNanjing University of Science and TechnologyP.O.Box210094NanjingPR China 

出 版 物:《Defence Technology(防务技术)》 (Defence Technology)

年 卷 期:2020年第16卷第2期

页      面:348-353页


学科分类:08[工学] 082601[工学-武器系统与运用工程] 0806[工学-冶金工程] 0817[工学-化学工程与技术] 0826[工学-兵器科学与技术] 0805[工学-材料科学与工程(可授工学、理学学位)] 0802[工学-机械工程] 0703[理学-化学] 0701[理学-数学] 0801[工学-力学(可授工学、理学学位)] 0702[理学-物理学] 

主  题:Electromagnetic railgun Solid armature Fracture Explicit finite element Numerical simulation 

摘      要:The design of solid armature of railgun should take full account of its operating conditions and material properties because the armature is subjected to dynamic loading conditions and experiences a complicated electrical,thermal and mechanical process in the interior ballistic cycle.In this paper present,we first introduced a multi-physical field model of railgun,followed by several examples to investigate the launching process.Especially,we used the explicit finite element method,in which material nonlinearity and geometric nonlinearity were accounted,to investigate the deform behaviors of solid armature.The results show that the dynamic mechanical process of armature is dependent on the armature geometry,material and exciting electric current.By the numerical simulation,the understanding of the fracture mechanism of solid armature was deepened.

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