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2-Methylimidazole assisted ultrafast synthesis of carboxylate-based metal–organic framework nano-structures in aqueous medium at room temperature

2-Methylimidazole assisted ultrafast synthesis of carboxylate-based metal–organic framework nano-structures in aqueous medium at room temperature

作     者:Shaheed Ullah Bilal Akram Hassan Ali Hao Zhang Haozhou Yang Qingda Liu Xun Wang 

作者机构:Key Laboratory of Organic Opteoelectronics and Molecular Engineering Department of Chemistry Tsinghua University 

出 版 物:《Science Bulletin》 (科学通报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2019年第64卷第15期

页      面:1103-1109页


学科分类:07[理学] 070205[理学-凝聚态物理] 0702[理学-物理学] 

基  金:supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2017YFA0700101 and 2016YFA0202801) the National Natural Science Foundation of China(21431003) 

主  题:Metal-organic framework Carboxylate 2-Methylimidazole Room temperature synthesis Nanostructures 

摘      要:Carboxylate-based metal–organic frameworks(CMOFs)have received considerable attentions for their high stability,catalytic activity,and porosity.However,synthesis of CMOFs requires high temperature,pressure,and long reaction time.Here,we explored the activity of 2-methylimidazole(2-MIM)for ultrafast synthesis of CMOF nanostructures(CMOFNs),in aqueous medium at room temperature and reaction time of 10 min.Seven CMOFNs have been synthesized by using Al3+,Cr3+,Cu2+,Fe3+,In3+,or Cd2+salt and1,4-bezenedicarboxylic acid,or 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid.Through this technique,the CMOFs with space time yield 181–501 kgcrystal sizes of ca.200–700 nm was obtained.

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