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Strategic Direction of Libraries in Knowledge Management

Strategic Direction of Libraries in Knowledge Management

作     者:Hwa-Wei Lee(Dean Emeritus, Ohio University Libraries, and Visiting Distinguished Scholar, OCLC Online Computer Library Center,U S A) 

出 版 物:《现代图书情报技术》 (New Technology of Library and Information Service)

年 卷 期:2002年第S1期

页      面:13-17页

学科分类:1205[管理学-图书情报与档案管理] 12[管理学] 120501[管理学-图书馆学] 120502[管理学-情报学] 

主  题:Strategic Direction of Libraries in Knowledge Management 专家论坛 

摘      要:1 Introduction “Knowledge Managementhas become a popular term inthe business world during the last decade of the 20th *** was the business world that recognizes at first theimportance of knowledge in the“global economyof the“knowledge age. In the new knowledge economy,knowledge is power,especially if it is shared and put tocreative use. The possession of relevant and strategicknowledge and its unceasing renewal enables businesses togain competitive advantage.

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