Spectroscopy and Optical Properties of Novel Metal(Ⅱ)-Azo Complex Films in Blue-Violet Light Region
作者机构:ShanghaiInstituteofOpticsandFineMechanicsChineseAcademyofSciencesShanghai201800 LaboratoryofFunctionalMaterialsHeilongjiangUniversityHaerbin150080
出 版 物:《Chinese Physics Letters》 (中国物理快报(英文版))
年 卷 期:2003年第20卷第12期
页 面:2259-2261页
学科分类:081702[工学-化学工艺] 08[工学] 0817[工学-化学工程与技术]
基 金:上海市科技发展基金
主 题:光谱分析 偶氮基衍生物 α-β-二酮衍生物 吸收光谱 光学记录技术 光学记录材料
摘 要:A novel azo derivative,α-(2-azoxyisoxazole)-β-diketone derivative (ADD),and its copper (Ⅱ) and nickel (Ⅱ) complex (CuADD and NiADD) films have been prepared respectively by spin-coated *** absorption spectra of the films on a K9 glass substrate in the 300-800 nm wavelength region have been *** optical constants (complex refractive index N=n+iκ) and thickness of the complex films on a single-crystal silicon substrate in the 300-600nm wavelength region have been investigated on an improved rotating analyser-polariser (RAP) type of scanning ellipsometer,and the dielectric constants ε(ε=ε1+iε2),absorption coefficients α as well as reflectance R of the films were *** is found that the absorption maxima of the ADD,CuADD and NiADD films are at 324nm,372nm and 385nm,respectively,and small absorption values and steep absorption band edges of the CuADD and NiADD films are observed at the 405nm side;The CuADD and NiADD films give high n values of 2.08 and 1.98,and low κ values of 0.2 and 0.28,respectively,at 405nm,and their thicknesses are in the range of 130-150nm;the high reflectivity of 58.5% and 45.5% of the CuADD and NiADD films with Ag as a reflective layer were obtained at the film thicknesses of 70 nm and 80nm *** results show that the novel CuADD and NiADD films seem to be a very promising organic recording material for the next generation of high density digital versatile disc-recordable (HD-DVD-R) systems that use a high numerical aperture of 0.85 at 405nm wavelength.