The Symbolic Meanings of Cat in Hemingway’s Novel Cat in the Rain
The Symbolic Meanings of Cat in Hemingway’s Novel Cat in the Rain作者机构:广东海洋大学寸金学院外语系
出 版 物:《海外英语》 (Overseas English)
年 卷 期:2019年第10期
页 面:223-224页
学科分类:0501[文学-中国语言文学] 050108[文学-比较文学与世界文学] 05[文学]
基 金:广东省哲学与社会科学“十二.五”规划项目:外语学科专项(GD15WZ14)
主 题:symbolic meanings Cat in the Rain
摘 要:This article aims to analyze the symbolic meanings of cat in Heminyway’s Cat in the Rain, through examining Hemingway’s techniques to create characters, his marital status, and the stroy’s social background. The interpretation of the cat’s symbolic meanings is of great importance in understanding the theme of this novel.