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Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of Regional Extreme Low Temperature Events in China during 1960-2009

Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of Regional Extreme Low Temperature Events in China during 1960-2009

作     者:WANG Xiao-Juan GONG Zhi-Qiang REN Fu-Min FENG Guo-Lin 

作者机构:Department of Atmospheric and SciencesLanzhou University College of Physics and Electronic ProjectChangshu Institute of Technology National Climate CenterChina Meteorological Administration 

出 版 物:《Advances in Climate Change Research》 (气候变化研究进展(英文版))

年 卷 期:2012年第3卷第4期

页      面:186-194页

学科分类:07[理学] 070601[理学-气象学] 0706[理学-大气科学] 

基  金:supported by the Special Scientific Research Projects for Public Interest(No.GYHY201006021 and GYHY201106016) the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41205040 and 40930952) 

主  题:regional extreme low temperature events spatial-temporal features turning point frequency distribution 

摘      要:An objective identification technique is used to detect regional extreme low temperature events (RELTE) in China during 1960-2009. Their spatial-temporal characteristics are analyzed. The results indicate that the lowest temperatures of RELTE, together with the frequency distribution of the geometric latitude center, exhibit a double-peak feature. The RELTE frequently happen near the geometric area of 30°N and 42°N before the mid-1980s, but shifted afterwards to 30°N. During 1960-2009, the frequency~ intensity, and the maximum impacted area of RELTE show overall decreasing trends. Due to the contribution of RELTE, with long duratioh and large spatial range, which account for 10% of the total RELTE, there is a significant turning point in the late 1980s. A change to a much more steady state after the late 1990s is identified. In addition, the integrated indices of RELTE are classified and analyzed.

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