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A handy method for estimating the particle concentration distribution in FCC risers using a gamma-ray transmission technique

A handy method for estimating the particle concentration distribution in FCC risers using a gamma-ray transmission technique

作     者:Liu Xiaocheng Wei Yaodong Song Jianfei 

作者机构:State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil ProcessingChina University of Petroleum 

出 版 物:《Petroleum Science》 (石油科学(英文版))

年 卷 期:2014年第11卷第2期

页      面:318-322页


学科分类:080706[工学-化工过程机械] 08[工学] 0807[工学-动力工程及工程热物理] 

基  金:the financial support of the China National High Technology Research and DevelopmentProgram(863 Program)(Grant no.2011AA060802) the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant no.21176250) 

主  题:Gamma-ray riser FCC catalyst concentration measurement 

摘      要:A handy gamma-ray transmission method for estimating the particle concentration distribution in a fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) riser is proposed. The method is based on an empirical correlation ε(r)= ε-(0.191+φ25+3φ11), which has only one unknown parameter y, hence only one single-beam experimental result is enough to estimate the particle concentration distribution in the riser. In order to verify the feasibility of this method, the particle concentrations of three cross-sections of the laboratory riser were measured and the distribution profiles were compared with those reported in the literature. Furthermore, by comparing other gamma-ray function methods applied in the measurement of risers, this method has distinct advantages, such as the device is simple and has no moving parts, the measurement is rapid, and the safety is high because only one gamma-ray beam is used. Therefore, the method has promising applications in estimating particle concentrations or monitoring operation conditions of risers.

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