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Analyses of surrogate models for calculating thermophysical properties of aviation kerosene RP-3 at supercritical pressures

Analyses of surrogate models for calculating thermophysical properties of aviation kerosene RP-3 at supercritical pressures

作     者:XU KeKe MENG Hua 

作者机构:School of Aeronautics and Astronautics Zhejiang University 

出 版 物:《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 (中国科学(技术科学英文版))

年 卷 期:2015年第58卷第3期

页      面:510-518页


学科分类:08[工学] 0825[工学-航空宇航科学与技术] 

基  金:supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.11372277) 

主  题:thermodynamic property transport property hydrocarbon fuel combustion heat transfer pyrolysis 

摘      要:Aviation kerosene is commonly used in combustion and regenerative engine cooling processes in propulsion and power-generation systems,including rocket,scramjet,and advanced gas turbine *** this paper,many surrogate models proposed in the open literature are examined for their applicability and accuracy in calculating thermodynamic and transport properties of the China aviation kerosene RP-3 at supercritical pressures,based on the extended corresponding-states *** enthalpy change from endothermic decomposition and low heating value from combustion of the jet fuel are also *** from a number of simple and representative surrogate models,which contain species components ranging from 1 to10,are analyzed in *** analyses indicate that a surrogate model with four species is the best choice for thermophysical property calculations under the tested conditions,with fluid temperature up to 650 K at various supercritical *** surrogate model is particularly accurate in predicting the pseudo-critical temperature of aviation kerosene RP-3 at a supercritical pressure.A simple surrogate model containing the n-decane species and a surrogate model containing 10 species are the other two acceptable *** work conducted herein is of practical importance for theoretical analyses and numerical simulations of various physicochemical processes at engine operating conditions.

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