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The early risk stratification of the patients with acute chest pain

The early risk stratification of the patients with acute chest pain

作     者:Chunping Tang Yanrong Liu Qin Shen Zhijian Yang Jun Huang Ming Gui 

作者机构:Chest Pain Emergency Department the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University' Nanjing 210029 Jiangsu Province China 

出 版 物:《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 (南京医科大学学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2007年第21卷第6期

页      面:363-366页

学科分类:1002[医学-临床医学] 100201[医学-内科学(含:心血管病、血液病、呼吸系病、消化系病、内分泌与代谢病、肾病、风湿病、传染病)] 10[医学] 

基  金:This study was supported by the Province Natural Science Foundation of the Department of Education of Jiangsu(01 KJB320003) Innovation Fund of Nanjing Medical University(CX 2003001) 

主  题:acute chest pain risk stratification ECG cardiac injury markers 

摘      要:Objective: This investigation was designed to stratify patients with acute chest pain based on their symptoms, electrocardiogram (ECG), cardiac injury markers and the number of accompanying traditional risk factors(smoking, obesity, hyperlipemia, hypertension, diabetes), and to assess the effect of the above factors to obtain a risk stratification for patients with chest pain. Methods: We identified 139 patients with acute chest pain, including 45 myocardiac infarction patients, 65 unstable angina patients and 29 chest pain patients without identified acute coronary syndrome(ACS) admitted to our Coronary Heart Center during December 2004 to February 2005. All patients accepted coronary angiography. All data was collected using questionnaires. Based on reported symptom, electrocardiogram (ECG), cardiac injury markers and the number of the accompanying traditional risk factors, we stratified all patients into four groups: Group 1, patients with acute chest pain, ECG changes and abnormal cardiac injury biomarkers. Group 2, patients with acute chest pain and ECG changes(without abnormal cardiac injury biomarkers). Group 3, patients with acute chest pain, normal ECG, normal cardiac injury biomarkers and 〉2 traditional risk factors. Group 4, patients with acute chest pain, normal ECG and normal cardiac injury biomarkers, but only ≤ 2 traditional risk factors. From this data we examined the difference of ACS incidence in the four groups. Results:After stratification the ACS incidence of the grouped patients in turn was 100%, 84%, 69.6% and 53.3%. The combination of early phase ECG and cardiac injury markers identified 70.9% patients with ACS(the specificity being 90.7%). The mortality of group 3 was higher compared with group 4(69.6% vs 53.3%), however the P value was more than 0.05 and didn' t show significant statistical difference. The correlation analysis found the number of the traditional risk factors had a significant positive correlation (r= 0.202, P = 0.044) with

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