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A Study of the Effect of Soil Improvement Based on the Numerical Site Response Analysis of Natural Ground in Babol City

A Study of the Effect of Soil Improvement Based on the Numerical Site Response Analysis of Natural Ground in Babol City

作     者:Asskar Janalizadechoobbasti Mehran Naghizadeh rokni Aida Talebi Asskar Janalizadechoobbasti;Mehran Naghizadeh rokni;Aida Talebi

作者机构:Civil Engineering Babol University of Technology Babol Iran 

出 版 物:《Open Journal of Civil Engineering》 (土木工程期刊(英文))

年 卷 期:2016年第6卷第2期

页      面:163-178页

学科分类:070801[理学-固体地球物理学] 07[理学] 0708[理学-地球物理学] 

主  题:Seismic Site Response Amplification Factor Acceleration Response Spectra Soil Improvement Pile Numerical Analysis Babol 

摘      要:A series of numerical calculations have been performed to investigate the effect of soil improvement on seismic site response. Seismic site response analyses were also performed using data collected from a study area in Babol city. The improved site is a composite ground and has more or less different mechanical properties than the natural ground. In this research, the influence of the elastic modulus of the pile, the pile distance ratio, ground motion input, distance to fault rupture, and PGA of the earthquakes on seismic response characteristics are especially investigated. The results reveal that the values of the PGA and amplification factor on the surface of the natural and improved grounds depend strongly on the fundamental period of the site, the predominant period, and the intensity of the ground motion input. The acceleration response spectra also are affected by the characteristics of ground motion input and soil layers. Changing the pile distance ratio doesn’t have a significant effect on the seismic response of the site.

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