An investigation of the performance of an electronic in-line pump system for diesel engines
An investigation of the performance of an electronic in-line pump system for diesel engines作者机构:Internal Combustion Engine InstituteDalian University of Technology Chengdu Wit Electric Fuel Injection Co.Ltd. College of Power and Energy EngineeringHarbin Engineering University
出 版 物:《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 (船舶与海洋工程学报(英文版))
年 卷 期:2008年第7卷第4期
页 面:261-267页
学科分类:080703[工学-动力机械及工程] 08[工学] 0807[工学-动力工程及工程热物理]
主 题:EIP marine engine fuel injection system AMESim
摘 要:WIT Electronic Fuel System Co.,*** developed a new fuel injector,the Electronic In-line Pump(EIP) system,designed to meet China s diesel engine emission and fuel economy *** can be used on marine diesel engines and commercial vehicle engines through different EIP systems.A numerical model of the EIP system was built in the AMESim environment for the purpose of creating a design tool for engine application and system *** model was used to predict key injection characteristics under different operating conditions,such as injection pressure,injection rate,and injection *** validate these predictions,experimental tests were conducted under the conditions that were *** results were quite encouraging and in agreement with model *** experiments were conducted to study the injection characteristics of the EIP *** results show that injection pressure and injection quantity are insensitive to injection timing variations,this is due to the design of the constant velocity cam ***,injection quantity and pressure *** width at different cam speeds are presented,an important injection characteristic for EIP system calibration.