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Effect of 17β-estradiol on the Brain Damage and Metabolic Changes in Rats

Effect of 17β-estradiol on the Brain Damage and Metabolic Changes in Rats

作     者:CHEN Jincao CHEN Jincao;LEI Ting;Ritz M-F;Mendelowitsch

作者机构:Department of Neurosurgery Tongji Hospital Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan Neurosurgical Laboratory University Hospital Basel Basel Switzerland 

出 版 物:《Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Medical Sciences)》 (华中科技大学学报(医学英德文版))

年 卷 期:2001年第21卷第1期

页      面:62-64,74页



基  金:grants from the NovartisFoundation and the departm ent of Surgery University Hospital Basel,Switzerland 

主  题:estradiol glutamate excitotoxicity in vivo microdialysis lactate neuroprotection 

摘      要:An in vivo model of glutamate excitotoxicity in which glutamate is applied to the cortex of rats through a microdialysis probe has been used to investigate the neuroprotective processes initiated by 17β estradiol. Rats were pre treated with 17β estradiol i.v. before local application of glutamate. The experimental results showed that pre treatment with 17β estradiol significantly reduced the size of the glutamate induced lesion. In the microdialysates, the peak of lactate observed immediately after glutamate application was significantly higher and longer lasting after 17β estradiol pre treatment. The level of extracellular glucose was markedly decreased concomitantly to the increase in lactate, but no difference could be observed with and without 17β estradiol pre treatment. These suggest a new neuroprotective mechanism of 17β estradiol by activating glutamate induced lactate production. This effect on lactate production and lesion reduction is estrogen receptor dependent and is abolished totally by estrogen antagonist tamoxifen. It was also demonstrated here that high lactate subserves estrogen neuroprotection during glutamate toxicity.

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