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Random-access imaging of awake behaving animals

作     者:Meng Cui 

作者机构:School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Department of BiologyPurdue UniversityWest LafayetteIN 47907USA 

出 版 物:《Light(Science & Applications)》 (光(科学与应用)(英文版))

年 卷 期:2017年第6卷第1期

页      面:666-667页


学科分类:0809[工学-电子科学与技术(可授工学、理学学位)] 08[工学] 

基  金:NINDS NIH HHS [U01 NS094341] Funding Source: Medline 

主  题:enable TPM neural 

摘      要:A compact random-access microscopy system offers inertia-free rapid focusing and line scanning,which enables near simultaneous 3D imaging of neural network in awake behaving animals at highspatiotemporal *** understand the function and principles of operation of neural networks,we need to observe the flow of information in the brain at high-spatiotemporal *** the past two decades,laser scanning two-photon fluorescence microscopy(TPM)combined with sensitive calcium indicators have emerged as the powerhouse for in vivo recording of neuronal *** differs from electrophysiology,in that allows noninvasive measurement of activity at excellent spatial resolution,sufficient for resolving fine structures such as dendritic ***,the high throughput of TPM enables the measurement of a large population of neurons within a single recording.

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