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Application of multi-stage bio-filtration system for sewage treatment and analysis of the microbial community

Application of multi-stage bio-filtration system for sewage treatment and analysis of the microbial community

作     者:刘智晓 赵志伟 崔福义 张梦阳 

作者机构:State Key Lab of Urban Water Resource and EnvironmentHarbin Institute of Technology School of Municipal and Environmental EngineeringHarbin Institute of Technology Capital Aihua(Tianjin)Municipal & Environmental Engineering Co.Ltd School of Chemical Engineering and EnvironmentNorth University of China 

出 版 物:《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 (哈尔滨工业大学学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2010年第17卷第6期

页      面:746-750页


学科分类:083002[工学-环境工程] 0830[工学-环境科学与工程(可授工学、理学、农学学位)] 08[工学] 

基  金:Sponsored by the Research Funds of the Guangxi Key Laboratory of Environmental Engineering,Protection and Assessment(Grant No.0804K001) the Development Program for Outstanding Young Teachers in Harbin Institute of Technology(Grant No.HITQNJS.2008.044) 

主  题:biological filtration microbial community structure nitrification AOB PCR-DGGE 

摘      要:The conventional fixed-bed biofilm process has disadvantages of easily blocked,high headloss and short operation *** overcoming these disadvantages,a multi-stage biofilm reactor(MSBFR),in which the lightweight floating filter was dominant,was set up and *** detail investigation of the system when treating municipal wastewater,the succession characteristic of microbial community was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction(PCR)-Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis(DGGE)*** results showed that the process had high efficiency to removal COD,SS and NH4+-*** concentration of COD,SS and NH4-N in effluent were maintained lower than 40 mg/L,5 mg/L and 2 mg/L even though the concentration of COD,SS and NH4+-N in influent were 232-663 mg/L,105-245 mg/L and 23.7-62.7 mg/L,respectively,and the empty bed retention time was 3 ***,biofilm samples taken from the column 2nd in height were analyzed by *** result of PCR-DGGE analysis showed that the microbial community had a little change in height and the dominant groups were Paracoccus sp.,Lactobacillus delbrueckii,Pseudomonas *** Bacteroidetes bacterium.

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