A Spectrally Accurate Boundary Integral Method for Interfacial Velocities in Two-Dimensional Stokes Flow
作者机构:Department of Applied MathematicsIllinois Institute of TechnologyChicagoIL 60616USA.
出 版 物:《Communications in Computational Physics》 (计算物理通讯(英文))
年 卷 期:2010年第8卷第9期
页 面:933-946页
学科分类:07[理学] 0701[理学-数学] 070101[理学-基础数学]
基 金:supported by the grants NSF-DMS 0511411 0914923 and 0923111
主 题:Boundary integral method Stokes flow two-phase flow weakly singular integral spectral accuracy
摘 要:We present a new numerical method for solving two-dimensional Stokes flow with deformable interfaces such as dynamics of suspended drops or *** method is based on a boundary integral formulation for the interfacial velocity and is spectrally accurate in *** analyze the singular behavior of the integrals(single-layer and double-layer integrals)appearing in the *** interfaces are formulated in the tangent angle and arc-length coordinates and,to reduce the stiffness of the evolution equation,the marker points are evenly distributed in arc-length by choosing a proper tangential velocity along the *** of Stokes flow with bubbles are provided to demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the numerical method.