Material Selection for Hawsers for a Side-by-side Offloading System
Material Selection for Hawsers for a Side-by-side Offloading System作者机构:Deep Water Engineering Research Center Harbin Engineering University Harbin 150001 China
出 版 物:《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 (船舶与海洋工程学报(英文版))
年 卷 期:2014年第13卷第4期
页 面:449-454页
学科分类:081901[工学-采矿工程] 0819[工学-矿业工程] 08[工学] 0814[工学-土木工程] 082301[工学-道路与铁道工程] 0823[工学-交通运输工程]
基 金:Supported by the National 111 Project of China under Grant No.B07019 Important National Science & Technology Specific Project:Numerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation of FPSO and Offloading System,No.2011ZX05030-006-002
主 题:FPSO offloading system side-by-side offloading ststem hydrodynamic interaction hawser material nonlinear stiffness
摘 要:In order to provide a theoretical guide for choosing the material for the hawsers for the FPSO side-by-side offloading system, which is moored by the yoke system, the 3D potential flow theory and full coupled time-domain analysis are presented to study the dynamic response of the offloading system. The MingZhu FPSO offloading system in the field BZ25-1 is simulated here; and four different characteristic fiber ropes are used as the material for the hawsers. To acquire an accurate hawser line tension, the polynomial fitting method is used to calculate the nonlinear stiffness of the hawsers. By comparing the hawser lines' tension and the relative motion between the FPSO and the shuttle tanker, a suitable material for the hawser lines is chosen and discussed in this paper. The results indicate that the nonlinear stiffness characteristic of the fiber rope has a small effect on the relative motion of the vessels, but the hawser lines' tension is greatly influenced by the different characteristics of the fiber ropes. The hawser lines' tension with nonlinear stiffness is in accordance with the one with the upper and lower bound linear stiffness, which proves this method of fitting the fiber ropes' nonlinear stiffness is reasonable and reliable.