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Advances of stereotactic body radiotherapy in pancreatic cancer

Advances of stereotactic body radiotherapy in pancreatic cancer

作     者:Qichun Wei Wei Yu Lauren M.Rosati Joseph M.Herman 

作者机构:Department of Radiation Oncology the Second Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine Department of Radiation Oncology & Molecular Radiation Sciences Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 

出 版 物:《Chinese Journal of Cancer Research》 (中国癌症研究(英文版))

年 卷 期:2015年第27卷第4期

页      面:349-357页


学科分类:0831[工学-生物医学工程(可授工学、理学、医学学位)] 1002[医学-临床医学] 08[工学] 100214[医学-肿瘤学] 10[医学] 

基  金:the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81071823) Innovative Multidisciplinary Team for Diagnosis and Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer of Zhejiang Province, China (No. 2013TD06) 

主  题:Stereotactic body radiation therapy(SBRT) pancreatic cancer(PCA) 

摘      要:Pancreatic cancer(PCA) is one of the most aggressive tumors with few effective treatment modalities. It is the 4th and 7th leading cause of cancer death in the United States and China, respectively. At the time of diagnosis, only 20% of cases present with a resectable tumor, and about 40% with a locally advanced tumor that is considered unresectable. Even resected patients still have a poor prognosis, with an incidence of local recurrence ranging from 20% to 60%. It is also reported that up to 30% of PCA patients die from locally obstructive disease with few or no distant metastases. These findings have highlighted the importance of local radiation therapy in the treatment of PCA. As the role of conventional chemoradiotherapy remains controversial, the dawn of the pancreas stereotactic body radiation therapy(SBRT) era represents a potential paradigm shift in the management of PCA. SBRT delivers a higher biological effective dose to the tumor with sharp dose escalation in a shorter treatment time course. Pancreas SBRT is a novel therapeutic option to achieve local tumor control with minimal toxicity. Herein, we review the advancement of SBRT for PCA patients with different stages of pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

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