Greenstone belts and their mineral endowment:Preface
Greenstone belts and their mineral endowment:Preface作者机构:Department of Earth ScienceGoa University School of Earth Sciences and ResourcesChina University of Geosciences Beijing
出 版 物:《Geoscience Frontiers》 (地学前缘(英文版))
年 卷 期:2018年第9卷第3期
页 面:599-601页
主 题:granite-greenstone subduction-accretion VMS
摘 要:The granite-greenstone terranes nested in Archean cratonic nuclei of continents over the world are composed of variably metamorphosed igneous and sedimentary remnants of ancient ocean *** rocks preserve distinct geological and geochemical imprints of mantle evolution and differentiation of primordial crust。