Provider Backbone Transport Technology
Provider Backbone Transport Technology出 版 物:《ZTE Communications》 (中兴通讯技术(英文版))
年 卷 期:2009年第7卷第1期
页 面:25-29页
学科分类:0810[工学-信息与通信工程] 08[工学] 081001[工学-通信与信息系统]
主 题:PBT PBB Provider Backbone Transport Technology MAC
摘 要:The Metro Ethernet Forum(MEF) put forward the concept of Carrier Ethernet(CE) to improve Ethernet technology and make it a transmission convergence layer solution for Next Generation Network(NGN).Provider Backbone Transport(PBT) is the result of the enhancement and improvement of the early Ethernet technologies and it is the new version of CE implementation technology and standard which is *** studying the PBT-related technologies,PBT network structure,PBT advantages as the transmission convergence layer solution and its trend of future development,it is concluded that PBT can be used as the preferred technology of the transmission convergence layer in the NGN,though there are some problems to be solved for PBT.