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An Discrimination and Defence——The Exploration of the “Amoralism” of Marxism

An Discrimination and Defence——The Exploration of the “Amoralism” of Marxism

作     者:Lv Liangshan Sun Ning 

作者机构:School of Philosophy and Public Administration Liaoning University 

出 版 物:《学术界》 (Academics)

年 卷 期:2018年第2期

页      面:237-245页


学科分类:03[法学] 030501[法学-马克思主义基本原理] 0305[法学-马克思主义理论] 

基  金:supported by National Social Science Fund(14BKS071) 

主  题:Mars amoralism historical materialism 

摘      要:There are seemingly controversial arguments in Marx's works on morality.For one thing, we can exphcidy find his rejection of morality, and contemporary westernscholars, especially Anglo - American scholars who have devoted in Marxist moral theory holdthat Marx is an amoralist, even anti -moralist. For another, we can also discover his moral cri-tiques on capitalism. For this reason,it has great practical significance to clarify the relationshipbetween Marmsm and morality. This topic will be elucidated under the background of histori-cal materialism and clarified from two aspects in this essay:to make sure why Marx's critiqueof capitalism does not base on moral principle and point out diametrically theoretical founda-tion between historical materialism and traditional morality;to clarify in what sense Marx is anamoralist, and emphasize it is in his rejection of abstract morality as guiding principle of critici-zing capitalism that he is an amoralist.

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