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Interactions between engineered nanoparticles and dissolved organic matter: A review on mechanisms and environmental effects

Interactions between engineered nanoparticles and dissolved organic matter: A review on mechanisms and environmental effects

作     者:Sujuan Yu Jingfu Liu Yongguang Yin Mohai Shen 

作者机构:State Key Laboratory of Environ. Chem. and Ecotoxicology Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Environment Henan Normal University Key Laboratory for Yellow River and Huai River Water Environment and Pollution ControlMinistry of Education Henan Key Laboratory for Environmental Pollution Control 

出 版 物:《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 (环境科学学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2018年第30卷第1期

页      面:198-217页


学科分类:0830[工学-环境科学与工程(可授工学、理学、农学学位)] 07[理学] 0713[理学-生态学] 

基  金:supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFA0203102) the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 21227012, 21337004, 21507147) 

主  题:Dissolved organic matter Engineered nanoparticles Interaction mechanisms Environmental behavior Toxicity Bioavailability 

摘      要:Dissolved organic matter(DOM) is ubiquitous in the environment and has high reactivity.Once engineered nanoparticles(ENPs) are released into natural systems, interactions of DOM with ENPs may significantly affect the fate and transport of ENPs, as well as the bioavailability and toxicity of ENPs to organisms. However, because of the complexity of DOM and the shortage of useful characterization methods, large knowledge gaps exist in our understanding of the interactions between DOM and ENPs. In this article, we systematically reviewed the interactions between DOM and ENPs, discussed the effects of DOM on the environmental behavior of ENPs, and described the changes in bioavailability and toxicity of ENPs caused by DOM. Critical evaluations of published references suggest further need for assessing and predicting the influences of DOM on the transport,transformation, bioavailability, and toxicity of ENPs in the environment.

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