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The development of collagen based composite scaffolds for bone regeneration

作     者:Dawei Zhang Xiaowei Wu Jingdi Chen Kaili Lin 

作者机构:School&Hospital of StomatologyTongji UniversityShanghai Engineering Research Center of Tooth Restoration and RegenerationShanghai 200072China Institute of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical TechnologyFuzhou UniversityFuzhou 350002China 

出 版 物:《Bioactive Materials》 (生物活性材料(英文))

年 卷 期:2018年第3卷第1期

页      面:129-138页


学科分类:0710[理学-生物学] 0831[工学-生物医学工程(可授工学、理学、医学学位)] 1001[医学-基础医学(可授医学、理学学位)] 0805[工学-材料科学与工程(可授工学、理学学位)] 0836[工学-生物工程] 10[医学] 

基  金:The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.81672134) Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality(No.15441905300,17510710800,16DZ0503800). 

主  题:Collagen Bone regeneration Composite scaffolds Biomaterials Tissue engineering 

摘      要:Bone is consisted of bone matrix,cells and bioactive factors,and bone matrix is the combination of inorganic minerals and organic polymers.Type I collagen fibril made of five triple-helical collagen chains is the main organic polymer in bone matrix.It plays an important role in the bone formation and remodeling process.Moreover,collagen is one of the most commonly used scaffold materials for bone tissue engineering due to its excellent biocompatibility and biodegradability.However,the low mechanical strength and osteoinductivity of collagen limit its wider applications in bone regeneration field.By incorporating different biomaterials,the properties such as porosity,structural stability,osteoinductivity,osteogenicity of collagen matrixes can be largely improved.This review summarizes and categorizes different kinds of biomaterials including bioceramic,carbon and polymer materials used as components to fabricate collagen based composite scaffolds for bone regeneration.Moreover,the possible directions of future research and development in this field are also proposed.

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